一起來看看胚芽米!具有豐富的營養,勝過千萬保健品! – Whole River Trading My title
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Rice has been the main carbohydrate intake for the human race for over 7000 years.  In Chinese medicine, rice is considered the top of the grains and it is considered the fountain source of life. 


Bran Rice


What is "Bran Rice"?


"Bran Rice" is rice grain with its nutrient-dense outer husk still intact. It's a good natural source of fiber and contains magnesium, vitamin B6 and iron.



Although rice grains prior to milling is rich in nutrients, its hard outer layer makes it harder to chew on and grainy in the mouth. The biggest difference between brown rice and bran rice would be its texture when cooked.  While retaining 80% of the nutrients, it does not have the same hard texture as brown rice making it taste similar to milled white rice.  The vitamins in 60g of bran rice are equivalent to  20 eggs, 1200g of beef, or 2000g of spinach!

Bran Rice Vitamin Equivalence


Why eat bran rice?

Eating bran rice helps prevent diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and constipation. Bran rice contains soluble plant fiber, which has the effect of smoothing the intestine.  For people with frequent constipation problems, bran rice can promote intestinal peristalsis, accelerate the discharge of waste, and reduce the stimulation of carcinogens on the intestine.

For Women

It's natural for women to love beauty.  When adding bran rice to your diet, it promotes complexion to the skin making it smooth and delicate. 

For Children

As a child grows, lack of vitamin B, C, D, and minerals can cause problems such as poor immunity, frailty, dysplasia, childhood obesity, poor intelligence, and poor memory. Bran rice is an excellent source to balance the supplement nutrients the body needs.

For Adults

Bran rice is rich in vitamin B1, vitamin E, and cellulose that white rice lacks.  These are essential nutrients that make our body cells function normally. By utilizing a bran rice diet, it helps to maintain balance, which can strengthen physical fitness, enhance endurance, and has a magical effect on strengthening intellectual nerves.


At Whole River, we recommend Bran Rice from Dongli Rice Factory.  It utilizes Kaohsong 139 Grain Crop.  It may be short and fat grain, but the flavor is full sticky and aromatic.  It is considered the number 1 rice crop in the eastern region of Taiwan. 



Tenno Bran Rice


For those who always dine out three meals daily, the diet can be too greasy causing a burden on the body.  Bran rice is perfect to balance out the diet and rejuvenate the body with proper dietary fiber intake. 

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